Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rest Day

Well, it could be your rest day or it could be the day you head out to play or try a sport. Fitness doesn't start and finish at the gym. Sport is where we put our fitness to the test and where learn and gain new skills. So, have fun today and we'll see you in the gym on Monday! Have a great Sunday!

Its only going to get easier.

30 days done, 270 days left to go. 465 burpees done, only 451035 burpees left! A great well done to the people who have been discipline in doing your burpees each day. Its a great feeling reminding and pushing each other to do the burpees. Honestly on some days, you just dont want to do it. But with the likes of Karen and Juan, who are always enthusiatic about it, how can you not do it. Crazy people! Also to Hock, who is slowly doing his burpees each day catching up. Good stuff Hock. Well done to everybody who has been doing their burpees once again! Only 270 days left. Thats like, enough time to build a city. Oh no ....

On the other hand, I just would like to inform the PMers that our very own, has passed the first round of auditions for One in a Million. Yes, Sam made it through. Oh and for those who didnt know, Sam sings exceptionally well. On Monday he would be going for the the second audition in the Gardens Hotel. We are truly bless with talented and wonderful individuals in the gym. Each one of you! I sound like a Dad now, but definitely we are proud of each one of you.

Its good that Sam is challenging himself to something new. How about you? Share with us and post it up in comments or when you see us in the gym about the goals that you want to achieve. Or even the little stuff that you are going through right now. For example, like you are preparing for a marathon or your finals is coming up. We would like to be part of your life and share those times with you!

So we are entering the last month of this year, 2008. What have you achieve this year? Take some time to think about that and then ask yourself if your life is really heading in the right direction. Like Fitness coach and writer Adam Stanecki says, " there’s a whole lot more to being fit and healthy than exercising and eating properly"



300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 30 Burpees

Saturday, November 29, 2008

WOD 112908 Saturday

"Those Burpees Suck"

10 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings @ 24k(M), 16kg(W)
30 Box Jumps @ 24"
40 Push Ups
50 Sit Ups
60 Burpees
10 Pull Ups


300 Burpee Challenge : Do 29 burpees

Friday, November 28, 2008

WOD 112808

Ten Rounds for time :

1 KB Press L/R
2 KB Push Press L/R
3 KB Jerk L/R
4 KB Swing L/R

* All the above are single arm exercises.Use the heaviest KB that you can press for all exercises.

Here is a quick look at how the KB Jerk is performed with precise form.


A historic Day !

Sam doing Pull-ups for yesterday's wod

First of all, a big congrats to Sam for tremendously improving. In August, Sam only managed 5 rounds of 10 Goblet Squats and 10 pull-ups AMRAP in 20 mins. However yesterday, he killed it and did 13 rounds of it. In 3 months , he managed to increase it by 8 rounds. Sam wasn't the only one improving. Ben Yue increased from 5 to 11 round and Juan too. From 10 to 13. Well done guys. I can't tell you how excited we are when you guys are improving. Keep it up ! 

Well , like the title of this post, today is a historic day! Our celebrity owner, Jonathan Wong would be on the air today and hopefully half of Malaysia would hear about Pushmore. It will be on the business radio station TODAY at 10:00 AM. Its an interview for BFM 89.9 on their "Open for business " segment. You can tune in via radio on 89.9 FM or you can stream the live broadcast via

So take time off whatever you are doing and tune in! Make us proud Jw!

300 Burpee Challenge : 28 Burpees

Thursday, November 27, 2008

WOD 112708 Thursday

In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 Goblet Squats @ 20kg/45lbs
10 Pull Ups

Compare to 091208


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 27 Burpees


Opening Hours

We will be adjusting our opening hours, effective 1st December 2008 as follows:-
Monday to Friday 
7.30am-1.00pm, 4.30pm-10.00pm


For Saturdays, we are trialing the opening hours for the month of December and based on feedback and response, we may adjust it again. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WOD 112608 Wednesday

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400m
50 Double Unders
25 Knees to Elbows


So, can you Double Under yet? Probably the thought of doing tuck jumps will be enough motivation for you to learn how to Double Under correctly. Check out the video below for some tips on getting it right:-

300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 26 Burpees

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

WOD 112508 Tuesday

Five rounds for time of:
15 KB Swing @ 32kg
15 Handstand Push Ups


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 25 Burpees


Various Happenings.

Just to confirm some comments on the chatbox, yes, that's me on the cover of the December issue of Men's Health. In addition, I also contibuted to a workout feature with exercises similar to what we do at PushMore. So, if you can, do check it out.

Also, this Friday, 28th November 2008 at 10.00am, I will be on the business radio station BFM 89.9 for an interview on their 'Open for Business' segment. You can tune in via radio on 89.9 FM or you can stream the live broadcast via

It looks to be an interesting close to 2008, especially for PushMore. As we grow, I continue to appreciate the spirit and energy that each one of you contirbute to PushMore. Having the opportunity to train with all you is one fantastic experience! There is no other place with this much support, camaderie and fun. Thanks guys and gals, all of you truly ROCK! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

WOD 112408 Monday

"Cindy Hardcore"

AMRAP in 20 mins of :
15 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
45 Squats

Saturday, November 22, 2008

WOD 112208 Saturday

4 Rounds for time of:
40 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 20kg
Run 400m
400 Rope Skips


300 Day Burpee Challenge:Do 22 Burpees.



What we eat has a lifelong effect on our health and well-being. To look and feel your best, do ensure you consume adequate amounts of proper food.

The CrossFit dietary prescription is as follows:

  • Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.
  • Carbohydrates should be predominately low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load.
  • Fat should be predominantly monosaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.
  • Calories should be set at between .7 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass depending on your activity level. The .7 figure is for moderate daily workout loads and the 1.0 figure is for the hardcore athlete.
For all the hard work that you have put into your workouts this week, choosing the right food will lead you in the right direction to a fitter and stronger body!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, November 21, 2008

WOD 112108 Friday

Weighted Pull Ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

The aim of this workout is go for the maximum weight you can lift for 1 rep. Do a full warm-up followed by some pull ups or light weighted pull ups. Your rest should range from 3-5 minutes between sets. Time to get stronger!

Subbing for this WOD:
If you can do a pull up do the above workout. Even if you can only add 5 pounds it will be good for you.
If you cannot do any pull ups do 5 rounds of 5 assisted pull ups using as little resistance as possible.

Subs courtesy of CrossFit BrandX.


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 21 Burpees

Thursday, November 20, 2008

WOD 112008 Thursday

For time of:
21 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m
15 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m
9 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 20 burpees



What are your fitness goals in the next 1 month? 3 months? 1 year? If you have those goals in mind, good stuff. If you don't, why not? Goals play an important role in keeping us on course and motivated in what we do. But then comes the other part, are your goals SMART? - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. 

Set your goals with clearness and detail. The more specific your goal, the more focused you will be at achieving it. 
Bad: "I want to get fitter."
Good: "I want get fitter by working out 3 times a week using CrossFit WODs and want to be able to run 5km under 40 minutes by December 31st 2008."

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Making goals measurable are a way of checking in on your progress. This would provide you continued motivation towards your goal. It is also a way to check if you are on the right track. If you don't have a compass, you may have no idea where you are sailing.
Bad: "I want to do muscle ups."
Good: "I want to do muscle ups by building my pull up and ring dips max rep capacity to 15 each and training my false grip daily."

It's important to set goals that will strecth you. But it is also important that goals can be achieved, taking into consideration your current strengths and skills. Over-lofty goals may only be setting you up for dissapointment. 
Bad: "I want to run 10km under 60 mins in 1 week."
Good: "I want to run 10km under 60 mins by doing interval training 3 times a week within 1 month."

Goals should be realistic and relevant to your current situation. However, there is a big difference between 'realistic' and 'easy'. Don't sell yourself short by setting goals that are achieved without much effort. The real benefit of goals are personal growth. Only by stretching will you reach further.
Bad: "I want to be stronger than Superman."
Good: "I want to stronger and be able to deadlift double my bodyweight in 6 months time."

Goals must always have a timeline. Without a timeline, you could be hanging on to the same goal for years. Be specific and set achievable deadlines for your goals.
Bad: "I want to lose weight."
Good: "I want to lose 2kg in 1 month's time."

Set your goals to these simple guidelines and you will be set up for success. Any questions or comments on this, you know how to reach me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WOD 111808

45 - 30 - 15 Reps for time of :

KB Swing @ 24kg
Ring Dips


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 19 burpees


Happy Birthday Navin!

Navin, March 2008

Navin, November 2008

Navin was one of the first guys to join us at PushMore. Also the first guy in our Muscle Up Club. As you can see from the pictures, the difference is obvious. Some killer definition after 8 months of work. Despite his busy schedule, he is still a regular face at PushMore. Also, he's got almost his whole family working out at PushMore too. Thanks for your enerygy dude!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WOD 111808 Tuesday

In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 KB/DB Thrusters @ 16kg/35lbs
10 Push Ups

Today we will be looking for great form on your thrusters. Check out this video of Dave Leys doing DB thrusters. Notice the depth of the squat and also the full extension of the arms at the top of the movement. This exercise hits your entire body and requires a lot of midline stabilization to maintain a strong upright position as you descend into the front squat. The challenge is to maintain this position once fatigue starts to set in. 


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 18 Burpees


And Happy Birthday Joe!

Joe, many months ago.
   Joe, November 2008.

When Joe started, he couldn't do pull ups, his push ups were not quite there and he couldn't really lift any sort of significant weight. Fast forward 6 months later, Joe has since come leaps and bounds. From no pull ups, he can now crank out 30 Muscle Ups in 8:35. He can swing a 32kg kettlebell overhead with confidence and can press a 24kg kettlebell. Now that's progress. Keep up the good work Joe!

Monday, November 17, 2008

WOD 111708 Monday

100 Pull-ups for time 

Today is another potential record breaking day. On top of that, its also a day where everything can go ugly. Do not compromise your form of a good pull-up for the sake of time. It is possible that you can be going all over the world getting the ugliest form for the fastest time. Yes, it is always good to fight for time but remember that the overall goal here for each of you is to get better at what you are doing while keeping yourself injury free. Try to get full extension on the arms for every pull-up. For those who are yet to do a kipping pull-up, today is the day for you to learn it. For the rest, try to go for each pull-up at chest level. One again, try to not look like a headless chicken rushing for time today but instead maintain the right form that would make Jonathan proud. 

Here's a video taken from Crossfit showing Adrian Bozman of San Francisco Crossfit teaching the Kipping Pull-up. 


Happy Belated Birthday Nigel Tay !

We apologize for the late wish. We were all so busy caught up with our own lives that we forgot about yours. Nigel here joined us in June and has been a great addition to the Pushmore family. A real comedian on his own, we always enjoy his jokes and playful antics. Even in between workouts, he always have time to slot in something that leaves with you that incredibly stupid what the heck face. Together with Joe, if the both of them could live in a mirror, they would have. 40% of their workout times are spent staring at themselves and complimenting each other. Despite this weakness,  Nigel is a stand up guy both in life and in workouts. We are all  encourage by the determination that you show each time you workout. Keep up that intensity! We hope you had a great day. Once again, Happy Birthday from all of us at Pushmore!

Gym Challenge of the week: Pratice on the form for pull-ups. Try to get it to full range. 

300 Burpee Challenge : 17 Burpees

Saturday, November 15, 2008

WOD 111508 Saturday

Five rounds for time of:
50 Squats
40 Double Unders
30 Sit Ups


Argh what a lazy saturday morning ! The rain is just clearing and half the world is still sleeping. Since everyone is hibernating, I'll give you all something to do when you wake up. Today's question is How do you know if you are a crossfitter? Doing a couple of pushups in the morning and some ab crunches does not make you a crossfitter. Going on a 2 week diet just before a trip to the beach with friends so that the"abs" miracously appear does not make you a crossfitter. So how do you really know? Here's a list of some answers I got off affliated websites, forum and blogs. I would also like all of you to post your comments and thoughts about it in comment! So here goes ~ 

" You Know you are a crossfitter, when ____________ "

1. You pick your cubicle at work because of it's hand-stand practice potential.

2.You do Tabata Grocery Shopping.

3.You don't own a tractor but you own tractor tires.

4. Your 3 daughters are named Cindy, Helen and Nancy. Your pooch is named Murph.

5. You go to buy a swiss ball, and the salesperson goes into their spiel about the comfortable feel of the rubber and how easy it is on your back for doing crunches, and you interupt them and ask... 
"Ya...but how much will it weigh when I fill it full of sand?

6. You are kicked out of gyms on a regular basis for fear of liability.

7. You speak passionately about other girls to your wife and shes not upset. Cindy, Mary and Angie.

8. You talk about CrossFit so much that your friends and family are not 100% sure you have not joined a mysterious new occult.

9.You're boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse refuses to hold your hand because of your calluses.

10. You tell a woman that she has great "thrusters" and her first reaction is to smile and not slap you.

I would like to hear from the Malaysian side of what they think of crosffit! Enjoy.



300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 15 burpees.

Friday, November 14, 2008

WOD 111408 Friday

10 rounds for time of :

10 KB Swings @ 32kg
3 muscle ups

*Sub for 1 muscle up :
3 Pull-ups
3 Ring Dips

Watch this ! Muscle up progression by Crossfit Kids!

I took this quiz off San Francisco's Crossfit Blog. Its a good platform to evaluate yourself. Have fun with this athletic checkup and post up your results in comment.

Training Habits Questionnaire 

1. I keep a training journal. Yes No

2. I get good quality sleep. Yes No

3. I think of my nutrition as an Yes No 
athletic advantage.

4. I can tell you right now, how much Yes No
fat I had for breakfast.

5. I ate breakfast. Yes No
(Coffee is not breakfast)

6. Recovery is part of my training Yes No
plan. (ice-bath, massage, stretching)

7. I train 5-6 days a week to support Yes No
my sport.

8. I have a strength and conditioning Yes No

9. I write yearly goals and have 
have a written plan to get better. Yes No

10. I’m a better athlete than Yes No
I was last year.

11. It just doesn’t matter. I’m legit! Yes No

12. I regularly learn to play new Yes No

13. I outwork my competitive Yes No

14. My fitness does not limit my Yes No 
competitive success. 

15. I feel in control of my life. Yes No
as an athlete.

16. Winning is more fun than losing. Yes No

300 Burpee Challenge : 14 burpees

Thursday, November 13, 2008

WOD 111308 Thursday

For time of:
Run 800m
50 Pull Ups
Run 800m
50 Push Ups
Run 800m
50 Knees to Elbows


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 13 burpees


Housekeeping Matters

Recently we've been having quite a number of calls from the management and our neighbours regarding the "noise" from the gym on our weightlifting days. As one person put it "It feels like our whole office is going to collapse...". And the main cause of this noise would be the dropping of the kettlebells on the gym floor. Yes, we do have rubber flooring for a reason, but as all of you regulars would know, when a KB is dropped, it reverberates through the whole building. 

We can't possibly eliminate all the noise(we are a gym after all), but we can do a few things:-
1. Place the KBs/DBs on the ground with as much control as possible. Avoid unceremoniously dumping the weights on the floor. Our weights deserve some respect too.

2. Place some mats in your 'landing zone'. If the weight is challenging and there's a chance you may drop it, set yourself up before hand.

3. Use a lighter weight. If you are constantly dropping a weight even though you are trying to control it, it's obvious you need to scale down. Your ego can wait.

So, let's work together on this and be responsible athletes. And good neighbours.

And, how can we forget, it's Mai's birthday! Happy birthday dude! Here's a video of Mai in action. Ask him to show you a few tricks in the gym sometime.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

WOD 111208 Wednesday

5 rounds for time of:
15 Double KB Push Press @ 24kg
15 Double KB Front Squats @ 24kg
15 Ring Dips 

Have fun!


Jonathan and Edmund fooling around in the gym yesterday. We are thinking of making this pushup part of a workout soon. Be prepared PMers !

300 Burpee Challenge : 12 Burpees

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WOD 111108 Tuesday

4 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
50 Squats

Compare to 091908.

Monday, November 10, 2008

WOD 111008 Monday

5 Rounds of Max Reps of :

Handstand Pushups

There is no time component in this wod so take your time. This does not mean that you can come in the morning, do a few reps, go for lunch and then finish it in the evening.  Rest sufficiently in between the rounds to ensure that you have the right amount of energy to explode each set. Always maintain a strong core, keeping your abdomen tight at all times. While you are up on a handstand, you should feel the weight more towards your fingers rather than your palms. If it is the latter, then you would be more prone to falling backwards and out of the handstand. Besides that, if all the weight is on your palms and wrist continuously, your wrist would eventually be more prone to injuries. For those who are yet to do a handstand pushup, sub them for pike pushups. Keep your body in a strict L shape when doing pikes and always be alert of your safety. Do not hit your head on the floor. When you feel that blood is rushing towards your head too quickly, stop and rest. Do not compromise your safety for some extra reps. We care more for your form than the amount that is on the white board. 

Here is a favourite video of mine and my dream is to see all of us doing this together. 


Gym Challenge of the week : Perfect Form for all exercises!

Today we have reach the 10th day of our 300 Burpee Challenge.. We have 290 days left which is equivalent to 45035 burpees. For those who would like to join us in this challenge, the buy in for today is 55. I suggest you buy in soon because the numbers are still low! 

300 Burpee Challenge : 10 burpees 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

WOD 110908 Sunday

What a great relieve that Sunday has come again. I love sundays. Maybe its because I dont have to work on Sundays. Today is rest day, so take time off to rest yourself after a wild night out and a good week of workouts.Remember to rest sufficiently and stock up on your fluids. While you are doing all that, dont forget to do your burpees. Today is the 9th, so nine burpees. I did one just now while I was showering. See you on monday!


Happy Birthday Julian!

This is one strong man. On the first day he came, we were running him through the introduction for Pushmore. Halfway through, he saw Soon doing a muscle up. He asked-What that was-how it was done-they taught him-he did it on the first try-and I have been jealous ever since. I've been in pushmore for 8 months and my name is still not on the muscle up list. All jokes aside, Julian is a fun guy to be around with and exceptionally determine when it comes to working out. On the second day of pushmore for him, his wod were double unders. He subbed them for tuck jumps. He finished in 26:10. That was July. 4 months later, 5 day ago, he shaved off 18 minutes and 7 seconds for his double unders wod. What a great improvement ! He is one of the few that has 30 rounds of "Chelsea" in his pocket too. Great job and continue to kick ass in the workouts. Have a great day! Happy birthday once again from everyone at Pushmore !

Enjoy the video!


300 Burpee Challenge : 9 Burpees

Saturday, November 8, 2008

WOD 110808 Saturday


In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
5 Pull Ups
10 burpees
15 Sit ups


300 Burpee Challenge: Do 8 burpees

Friday, November 7, 2008

WOD 110708 Friday

"Running Fran"

Run 400m
21 KB/DB Thrusters @ 20kg/45lbs
21 Pull ups
Run 400m
15 KB/DB Thrusters @ 20kg/45lbs
15 Pull Ups
Run 400m
9 KB/DB Thrusters @ 20kg/45lbs
9 Pull Ups


Happy Birthday Ben Yue!

Meet Ben Yue. He first joined us in April. His first workout was 30 muscle ups for time. He subbed them with pull ups using 2 green bands. His dips was with the paralletes. He took a whopping 1 hour and 1 minute. He barely could do pullups even with the bands, and he did knee pushups. He also presssed with 8 kg kettlebells. Despite all this, he was one determined man and a great sport. He usually comes in the morning and when he works out, he really gives it everything. Sometimes we tell him to go easy on himself because he shouts and grunts when he knows he can do better. What a great attitude for a young man like him. Now, 7 months later he is cranking out ring dips without any assistance, he is pressing 24's and he does the kipping pullups. What a great improvement ! This man has tons of potential. Enjoy yourself on this day because you earned it. Keep it up Ben! Happy Birthday from all of us at Pushmore !


300 Burpee Challenge : 7 Burpees

Thursday, November 6, 2008

WOD 110608 Thursday

150 KB Snatches @ 24kg for time.

*The reps are a total for L/R. There is no lmit to hand switches but the KB can only be placed on the ground after every 10th rep.


The snatch is a competition exercise and possibly the most well known/popular kettlebell movement. It is a full body exercise involving the quadriceps, calves, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps, biceps, back, forearms and core muscles.

The snatch develops strength, explosiveness, endurance, work capacity and core strength. It also teaches the body to effectively produce/reduce force and significantly improve grip strength and endurance.

Source: International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation


On another note, Jason "Rhabdo" Kaplan of CrossFit Montclair has done a 1:53 Fran. Checkout the video here.


300 Burpee Challenge: Do 6 burpees.


Also, Happy Birthday Faizal!
(edited by SKT) Title: Kiara Trail Day
What is this? Kiara Trail Day is basically jungle trail maintenance and repairs. This is a voluntary event. If you think 300 kettlebell swings are bad, but you love torturing yourself, you should try this! Its HARDCORE and don't tell me I didn't warn you. Based on my experiences, this is a 4 hour non-stop back breaking workout for your body.
Date : Sunday 16 November 2008
Time : 0800 to 1200
Meeting Point : Taman Lembah Kiara Parking Lot (Carnival Start/Finish)
The purpose of this work party is to do general maintenance of the Carnival race course before the upcoming KLMTB Carnival at the end of November. We will be doing whatever we can to make the course race ready - rock armouring, drainage, trimming, rubbish collection, etc. Exactly what we do on the day will depend on what the weather is like in the few days leading up to the work party, so come prepared for anything. Changkuls, rakes, trimming shears, rubbish bags, gloves that can handle rock work, sturdy shoes. Mozzie protection and enough water and trail snacks for a 4 hour work session. And the all important good attitude.
Tel: 0123267847
You will need to tell me if you want to help out. I need head counts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WOD 110508


21-15-9 of:
Handstand Push Ups
Ring Dips
Push Ups


A simple but killer combination of exercises(those of you who have done J.T. can testify to this). For all you Kiasu PMer's, the time to beat is 6:56. However, you MUST NOT sacrifice good form to go faster. And that's something to keep in mind for any workout. Your form for any workout must be unquestionable. We'll be watching you today.

Burpees Challenge : 5 Burpees!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WOD 110408

For time of:

15 DB/KB Thrusters @ 45lbs/20kg
50 Double Unders
12 DB/KB Thrusters @ 45lbs/20kg
40 Double Unders
9   DB/KB Thrusters @ 45lbs/20kg
30 Double Unders
6   DB/KB Thrusters @ 45lbs/20kg
20 Double Unders
3   DB/KB Thrusters @ 45lbs/20kg
10 Double Unders


FAQ: I have been trying to do the double unders but to no avail. What are my options?

Ans: Do tuck jumps. Multiple single-unders in no way compensate for the exertion required for double-unders. Stand with your feet slightly inside the width of your shoulders. Bend your knees and lower your body down 8-12 inches. Explode into the air and bring your knees up to your chest in a tucked position. Upon landing, your feet should be in a strong, dorsi flexed or "toes up" position. Use your whole foot to generate power, not just your toes! Maintain good posture in your upper body. Keep your chest and head up. Don't let your shoulders lean out beyond your knees. This can stress your lower back. Explode off the ground as quickly as possible and repeat for the required number of repetitions.



Burpee Challenge : 4 burpees

Have a great workout!

Monday, November 3, 2008

WOD 110308 Monday


100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats

One of the greatest benchmark workout and a personal favourite.  As you can see the exercises are all basic crossfit exercises but it will test you from every aspect. Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. This would be a good workout for you Pmers to evaluate yourself and your growth in athleticism. Just keep in mind to maintain good form on pushups. Your forearms would get very pumped from the pullups, so you would do anything to make the pushups easier. So keep in mind to maintain the pushup form, chest and hips to the floor while the body is kept in a plank position. As fatigue kicks in, stay focus and squat properly. Keep your chest up and look forward. Heels should be shoulder-width apart and your toes should follow your knees. Keep your weight on your heels and you should push from your heels and never your toes. Keep all that in mind and you're all set to break records ! 

As we start fresh today as a new week and month, I would like you all to think about your goals . If you have not, I would like you to start thinking about them and a time frame on when you want to achieve them by. Maybe some of you would like to lose weight, do a muscle up, handstand pushup or perhaps 40 pullups consecutively. Whatever it is, you should have a goal in mind.  Just like what Zig Ziglar has said about goals, "I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants." True enough, we all should be working towards something in life. Not just achieving a fran time of 2 minutes like me, but also goals in your respective field of work and life. Think about how you can expand and develop it to the fullest potential. It is always important to just stop for awhile and evaluate yourself from time to time. If you have been slacking in certain areas, reset mentally and start again. Post your goals that you want to achieve in Pushmore in comments. When you come in today, think about them and give it a hell of a beating. 

Gym Challenge of the week : Work on your handstands.


Pushmore outing on Sunday - Terry Fox Run


Post Run

Julian and King reliving their childhood.

King showing some beast skills.

Burpee Challenge : 3 burpees

Sunday, November 2, 2008

WOD 110208 Sunday

Rest Day

Take some time off and get serious rest. You would need it before we start this week's round of workouts.

Happy Birthday Lakshwin !

Mom : Ah my son ! My proudest !

Lakshwin is the youngest brother to Navin and Arwin. All three of them workout at Pushmore and recently influenced their mother to workout with them too. What a great family and all three brothers are studs! Their family is also committed to a healthier lifestlye and diet. Lakswin weighed himself that day and he dropped a few pounds compared to the first time he joined. Keep it up guys !


Burpee Challenge : 2 Burpees !

Saturday, November 1, 2008

WOD 110108

Tag Team Workout
(Partner A & B)

Complete 3 rounds each for time of :-

A:Run 400m
B:KTE(10 reps) & KB Swings (10 reps) (M:24kg, W:16kg)
B:Run 400m
A:KTE(10 reps) & KB Swings (10 reps) (M:24kg, W:16kg)

*While one partner runs, the other will do as many rounds as possible of the exrcises stated above. The workout is scored based on completion time and total rounds completed.


Hello November !!

Johnhans here. My girlfriend said that we should call ourselves Pushmormons since we are like a cult ! We are in November now and it has been 10 months since we first open our doors. We would like to thank every member because without you, this would not be possible. You are all great encouragement to us and because of you , we strive to come out with greater, tougher, higher intensity ( torturous ) workouts.  Blame it on yourself because you keep getting stronger!

As the new month begins , we are going to be introducing a lot of new things to the gym. I promise its only going to get better. Even thinking about all the new activities and workouts that we are going to be introducing makes me excited. I'm sitting here at the black table that is slowly caving in the middle , trying to contain myself from giggling because of the excitement and ultimately looking like a jackass when I look up and see myself laughing in the mirror. I know! But all jokes aside, its going to be an exciting month so bring your friends and family members to join and not miss out. 

As we promise, today we are starting something new. Today is Day 1 of our 300 Burpee Challenge. That means you would be doing 1 burpee today, 2 burpees on the second day, 3 burpees on the 3rd day until .....the 300th day of 300 burpees on August 27 2009 . WHAT A CHALLENGE ! After doing this challenge you would no longer fear burpees. Whenever people ask you what do you for your warm ups, you can scoffly tell them "I do 256 burpees, What about you?" I strongly encourage everyone who reads this blog or the members to join this challenge. This would not only transform you into a beast after the 300th day but you can develop discipline, dedication and perserverance. Thats the thing why I love Crossfit so much. Not only do you train to get healthy and be a better athlete, you train to not suck at life too.
Read this, get off your lazy computer chair and do one burpee. Now!

Jonathan doing a one hand burpee on the first day.