Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WOD 111808 Tuesday

In 20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
10 KB/DB Thrusters @ 16kg/35lbs
10 Push Ups

Today we will be looking for great form on your thrusters. Check out this video of Dave Leys doing DB thrusters. Notice the depth of the squat and also the full extension of the arms at the top of the movement. This exercise hits your entire body and requires a lot of midline stabilization to maintain a strong upright position as you descend into the front squat. The challenge is to maintain this position once fatigue starts to set in. 


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 18 Burpees


And Happy Birthday Joe!

Joe, many months ago.
   Joe, November 2008.

When Joe started, he couldn't do pull ups, his push ups were not quite there and he couldn't really lift any sort of significant weight. Fast forward 6 months later, Joe has since come leaps and bounds. From no pull ups, he can now crank out 30 Muscle Ups in 8:35. He can swing a 32kg kettlebell overhead with confidence and can press a 24kg kettlebell. Now that's progress. Keep up the good work Joe!

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