Thursday, November 20, 2008

WOD 112008 Thursday

For time of:
21 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m
15 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m
9 KB Snatches @ 20kg L/R
Run 400m


300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 20 burpees



What are your fitness goals in the next 1 month? 3 months? 1 year? If you have those goals in mind, good stuff. If you don't, why not? Goals play an important role in keeping us on course and motivated in what we do. But then comes the other part, are your goals SMART? - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. 

Set your goals with clearness and detail. The more specific your goal, the more focused you will be at achieving it. 
Bad: "I want to get fitter."
Good: "I want get fitter by working out 3 times a week using CrossFit WODs and want to be able to run 5km under 40 minutes by December 31st 2008."

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Making goals measurable are a way of checking in on your progress. This would provide you continued motivation towards your goal. It is also a way to check if you are on the right track. If you don't have a compass, you may have no idea where you are sailing.
Bad: "I want to do muscle ups."
Good: "I want to do muscle ups by building my pull up and ring dips max rep capacity to 15 each and training my false grip daily."

It's important to set goals that will strecth you. But it is also important that goals can be achieved, taking into consideration your current strengths and skills. Over-lofty goals may only be setting you up for dissapointment. 
Bad: "I want to run 10km under 60 mins in 1 week."
Good: "I want to run 10km under 60 mins by doing interval training 3 times a week within 1 month."

Goals should be realistic and relevant to your current situation. However, there is a big difference between 'realistic' and 'easy'. Don't sell yourself short by setting goals that are achieved without much effort. The real benefit of goals are personal growth. Only by stretching will you reach further.
Bad: "I want to be stronger than Superman."
Good: "I want to stronger and be able to deadlift double my bodyweight in 6 months time."

Goals must always have a timeline. Without a timeline, you could be hanging on to the same goal for years. Be specific and set achievable deadlines for your goals.
Bad: "I want to lose weight."
Good: "I want to lose 2kg in 1 month's time."

Set your goals to these simple guidelines and you will be set up for success. Any questions or comments on this, you know how to reach me.


Cris Solis Chen said...

goals :
quit smoking by 2009
instructor by mid 2009

Jonathan said...

good ones.

just work on getting more details into your goals and you're all set.

Cris Solis Chen said...


quit smoking period once i'm back from Krabi.

work on getting the correct form for all possible workouts for KB, barbells, gymnastics and knowledge in both nutrients and the art of crossfit. So targeting by mid-year to be able to train in a proper form.