*The reps are a total for L/R. There is no lmit to hand switches but the KB can only be placed on the ground after every 10th rep.

The snatch is a competition exercise and possibly the most well known/popular kettlebell movement. It is a full body exercise involving the quadriceps, calves, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps, biceps, back, forearms and core muscles.
The snatch develops strength, explosiveness, endurance, work capacity and core strength. It also teaches the body to effectively produce/reduce force and significantly improve grip strength and endurance.
Source: International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation
On another note, Jason "Rhabdo" Kaplan of CrossFit Montclair has done a 1:53 Fran. Checkout the video here.
300 Burpee Challenge: Do 6 burpees.
Also, Happy Birthday Faizal!
(edited by SKT) Title: Kiara Trail Day
What is this? Kiara Trail Day is basically jungle trail maintenance and repairs. This is a voluntary event. If you think 300 kettlebell swings are bad, but you love torturing yourself, you should try this! Its HARDCORE and don't tell me I didn't warn you. Based on my experiences, this is a 4 hour non-stop back breaking workout for your body.
Date : Sunday 16 November 2008
Time : 0800 to 1200
Meeting Point : Taman Lembah Kiara Parking Lot (Carnival Start/Finish)
The purpose of this work party is to do general maintenance of the Carnival race course before the upcoming KLMTB Carnival at the end of November. We will be doing whatever we can to make the course race ready - rock armouring, drainage, trimming, rubbish collection, etc. Exactly what we do on the day will depend on what the weather is like in the few days leading up to the work party, so come prepared for anything. Changkuls, rakes, trimming shears, rubbish bags, gloves that can handle rock work, sturdy shoes. Mozzie protection and enough water and trail snacks for a 4 hour work session. And the all important good attitude.
Tel: 0123267847
You will need to tell me if you want to help out. I need head counts.
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