Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WOD 120908

With a continuously running clock do one pull up the first minute, two pull ups the second minute, three pull ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Compare to 100608.


You're probably thinking

" OH NO! My hands are going to get ripped today"

Well truth is for most of you, THEY ARE !!

Here is a few things to know before resentment and unforgiving bitterness is built towards the bar.

Understand that the primary purpose of grips is to keep you on the bar, not to protect your hands, As you work on the bar more your hands will toughen up. One thing that would be of some help is to learn how to grip without trying to squeeze water out of the bar. Just hook the bar with your fingers. This would be difficult for some as your finger strength might still be underdeveloped. Well if that's the case, then ripping would probably happen. However, understand that ripping is only natural and part of the journey to master the bar and will reduce significantly over time.

These are some tips by Coach Sommer that I got off some forum which will help you deal with ripping.

1) Do not do too much. Athletic achievement is a long term endeavor and success rarely depends on your getting every last repetition in during that particular day's training. In fact, backing off before the condition becomes critical (a blister forms or rips), will speed up the development of callus. ~ this definitely will not apply to us PUSHMORMONS in today's WOD~

2) If rips are an issue for you, soak your hands in salt water on a regular basis when they get sore and even before they get sore if possible. In the event of a rip, the salt water aids in healing and callus formation rather than the formation of a scap which will easily peel off during the next training session.

3) If a rip occurs, use some type of a liquid band aid to cover the wound to recommence training. This covering will keep out infection, reduce friction and usually last long enough for you to finish your workout.

4) Do not cover the rip. Open air is best.

5) Do not allow the rip to become overly dry. This will lead to the rip cracking down the middle the next time that you work on it and will extend the healing time required. To avoid this, periodically during the day apply a little A&D ointment, liquid Vitamin E or even medicated chap stick will work fine. This should be done in combination with the salt water mentioned above.

To add on to these tips is also to use our local remedy highly recommended by Jonathan and myself, ZAMBUK. Its some green ointment which most of you think is only for mosquito bites. Trust me, it works wonders ! you can get it at most pharmacies near you.

Well, till then, everytime that girl you fancy doesn't want to hold your hand which puts the gardener's to shame remember, PUSHMORE because it is only part of the process to hitting perhaps 20+ minutes on todays WOD! or perhaps wear gloves though heres a quote to ponder on

"gloves are just a FASHION accessory"
Steve Cotter

Peace out,

John-Son Oei

300 Day Burpee Challenge: Do 39 Burpees

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