Happy Hari Aidiladha to all our Muslim Members !
Happy Birthday Sammie!

Sorry Sammie. The camera is locked away in the safe and I cant find a picture of you on the computer. So I had to steal one from your facebook account. Well Sammie is one tough chick. Just like the father, Sammie is on the way to earn herself a black belt in taekwondo. Soon she would be able to kick our ass, literally. Sammie joined our gym in late november and even though its such a short period of time, her pushups have improved. Well done Sam. Love to see you around the gym more often. Enjoy the i-pod that you got for your birthday! From everyone here at Pushmore, once again Happy Birthday!
I'm very thankful that today is the Hari Raya Aidiladha or commonly known as the Hari Raya Korban. I'm very thankful that because of the Hari Raya Korban we have a public holiday. I'm very thankful because of the public holiday we can sleep in. Well I'm sure most or in fact all Pmers are doing that.
I'm also very thankful that I work for Pushmore. Because I work for Pushmore, I have my own set of keys to the gym. Because of that, on an off day, I can come in and open the gym for myself at 8 in the morning and workout. Perks of working in Pushmore.
Anyways a few things today.
Firstly, its Monday today and Sunday was yesterday. Yesterday was the last day to RSVP for the Pushmore Party. However no one did and I am very disappointed. I think "Fran" would generate more interest amongst you all than a party. I knew it. Told Jonathan that this would be bad for us. All of you becoming hardcore crossfitters. Anyways, all jokes aside, we would be extending the deadline for the party to this WEDNESDAY 10/12. I hope that all of you could do this for us. You can inform us through the blog, leave a comment, send an email or inform any of the trainers in the gym. Thank you.
Secondly, the whole world sees each one of you. Yes, your pictures each time you workout in the gym are posted in facebook. And .. you thought you could get away with that "fascinating" facial expression workout faces huh ! Well at the end of each month, all the pictures would be uploaded through my account. So please do go check it out. Tag yourself and keep the pictures as evaluation to see how your body progresses. While you are at it, tag others too. That would be helpful. You can add me under : John-hans Oei.
Lastly, a favourite video of mine to inspire you all especially in the month of December where turkeys, parties and beers are abundant!
Explanation: A victorian is also known as an inverted Maltese Cross. Once thought to be an impossible move. Essentially it's lying back so that you're horizontal to the floor. You hold the rings near your waist with the arms not contacting the body. Kind of like a front lever except that your arms are to your sides instead of out front.
John-hans in 2010 perhaps ?
Happy Holiday People and See you tomorrow!
300 Burpee Challenge : 38 Burpees
Did someone mention beer?
Jokes aside, keep up the good work at PM oh young ones.
And Hans, underneath that himbo exterior of yours, you've got quite a witty sense of humour osso har? :p
Haha, why thank you. Yes you heard beer alright but its strictly off limits for you. You get to be at the corner where the fruit punch is.
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