Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WOD 061609

Three rounds for time of:
50 Squats
21 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg
21 Ring Dips

100 Day Pull Up Challenge: Do 77 Pull Ups
30 Day Deadlift Challenge: DO 14 Deadlifts


Here is an article found by our Cleo Bachelor, Cris. *Click* .It is indeed a good read. Why do we Crossfit ? post up your answers in comments.


hock said...

i crossfit because i need and believe in stength conditioning. Along with this purpose birthed new fitness realisation, friends with people who share common purpose, fresh inspirations to be pysically better weekly and i can always look down on some other gym goers because my workout is of elite quality...fuerh...

Cris Solis Chen said...

I crossfit because it makes me realise that I can do the things that I didn't realised I could before. It made me stronger, not only physically but mentally as well. Truely glad that I'm part of this community :)

Mike Tee said...

I do it for the chicks.

John-Son said...

I crossfit because of its honest approach and the fact that it has put me in the best shape of my life. Basically I do it because it unlocks the BEAST within me... RAWR !

no seriously.... RAWR!