Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WOD 102109

For time of:
45 Kb Swings @ 32kg(M)/20kg(W)
90 Squats
30 Kb Swings @ 32kg(M)/20kg(W)
60 Squats
15 Kb Swings @ 32kg(M)/20kg(W)
30 Squats

Why Squat?
We squat for our warm-ups, we do them in our workouts. Have you ever wondered, why squat? As Coach Greg Glassman puts it:-

"The squat is essential to your well-being. The squat can both greatly improve your athleticism and keep your hips, back, and knees sound and functioning in your senior years."

The squat is the exercise for your lower body. The following article is a comprehensive guide to the most foundational CrossFit movement. Photographs outline 23 points of performance for a sound squat, common faults and cues to correct them. Here's the link:-

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