Monday, October 12, 2009

WOD 101209


Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes, do:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Compare to 073009.

"Chelsea" is a classic CrossFit bodyweight workout. An athlete has a time limit of 1 minute to complete each round with the goal of completing a total of 30 rounds.. The challenge and intensity increases when fatigue begins to set in as the workout progresses. And when one gets tired, form on the exercises can become an issue. Bad form, at the least, means you are getting less effective training done during the workout. Worst case scenario? You could get injured. So, here are a few tips for those attempting this workout:-

1. Range of Movement(ROM)
There can be no compromise on form and ROM. It's either you did it right or you didn't. If your chin does not clear the bar on the pull up, it's a bad rep. Do your best to maintain good form under fatigue, if you don't, your coach will let you know. If your coach says it's a bad rep, don't argue. We're correcting you so that you can get the most out of your workout.

2. Pacing
Here are a couple of strategies when it comes to pacing:-
a. Crank out the reps as quick as possible. The idea is to complete the round quickly and allow for more rest between rounds. I would recommend this for those of you who have been training consistently at PushMore for 6 months or more.

b. Space out the reps evenly throughout the minute. This will reduce your rest time between rounds but will allow you to continue doing reps without burning out too quickly. If it's your first time attempting Chelsea or you are still new to CrossFit, I would recommend this method.

c. A mix of the two strategies above. For example: Using the (a) method of pacing as long as you are able and switching to (b) when the going gets tough.

2. Scaling
Adjust the difficulty of the movements depending on your current strengths. If you can do one or two pull ups without assistance, it is recommended that you use the rubber resistance bands during the workout. That way, you will be able to complete more rounds(more rounds=more work done). It's would not be very productive to do unassisted pull ups and only complete 2 rounds of Chelsea because you spent most of you 1 minute time doing the pull ups.

Keep in mind, however you choose to do it, fatigue will set in. If you're not breathing hard by round 10, there can only be two explanations - it's either you're not doing it right or you're a mutant.

All the best for the workout!

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