Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WOD 102908

Happy Birthday "Karen" !

For time of :

150 Wall balls @ 20 lbs

Today's workout is going to be loooong one esepcially after the handstand pushups yesterday. I do not know about you but my shoulders are killing me. Even yesterday when I lifted my hands during shower, it freakishly hurt so much! Once again I am amuse at why people even bother coming back. Just simple streching to pass my maid the box of tissue across the dinner table felt like i was doing lateral raises with a 50kg dumbbell.

Well done to everybody yesterday. Obvious improvements in form of swings for Lian Meng and Cris. Always remember to keep your form dialed in. If you are tired-rest- take a breather and then continue. Do not compromise your form. It is always good to work with high intensity and push for time but do not do it at the expense of your form.  

Here are some pointers from CrossfitJournal about wall balls that you should keep in mind before doing the workout today.

Technique Fundamentals:

1. Each rep begins with a rock bottom squat, with feet flat on the floor.
2. Keep the elbows down and in.
3. Keep the ball low to the chest.
4. Don't let the ball obstruct the view of target.
5. Launch with little finger roll and push.
6. Make ascending and descending movements the same.
7. Breathe deeply and attempt to synchronize breathing to shot rate.
8. Have fun !

Oh , and did I mention that Jw just set a new record ?

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