Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year !

One of the main virtues that Pushmore strongly believes in is of family. We understand and acknowledge that the unity of a family is very important and places it above everything else. That is why in Pushmore, we try to cultivate the atmosphere of home and we welcome everybody just like one big family with open arms.

As all of you take this time off to be with your family, do not forget the value of forging a great relationship with the family. The awesome thing is that whatever has happened in the past has happened. We are able to push it aside and forgive one another on this very special occasion of our lives. After all, we are blood related and there is no greater bond than that.

So while we spend some good quality with the family, make it every reason to foster a better relationship with them. It will only bring more benefits in the long run.

Therefore on behalf of the entire Pushmore Team or rather family, we wish you a great ROARING year. We hope to see all of you back in the gym with prosperous bellies come next week. Most important is that you enjoy yourself thoroughly during this break.

Also to the itchy hands that favors alcohol, please drink smartly and drive wisely. For those who are away from town, be safe on the journey back. Do not drink and drive. It is not worth it.

Happy Chinese New Year my fellow Family Members !

Eye of the tiger,
John-hans & John-Son

*For those who don't mind being public with their family, please send one family reunion picture to my email - ; We would like to compile it as we get to know you better, why not the family. You can add a description or whatsoever to explain the picture.

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