Monday, July 16, 2007

Push One More

Monday, 16th July
Fitness Network

5 rounds of:
1) body weight bench press (65KG)
2) pullups
maximum reps for each exercise with 5 minutes rest in between rounds

done by:
[#round] [bench press], [pullup]
#1 19,22
#2 14,18
#3 12,15
#4 10,15
#5 10,20
total: 65,90

#1 18,23
#2 17,20
#3 14,18
#4 13,16
#5 12,21
total: 74,98


LynnX said...

Still recovering from yesterday's unplanned workout...Gawddd........

SoonKT said...

hahaha.. yesterday's workout was hardcore!! lucky we didn't have to run/sprint.

Unknown said...

yes, 5 sets of maximum reps is bad.. felt a little light headed halfway thru. but good stuff, i'm feeling the the workout..ouch

LynnX said...

gotta get my pump chest weight to 7kgs. 5kg each side for chest toooo light la... already been questioned about the "legibility" of my chest weights. HELP!!!

SoonKT said...

one way to improve strength and maintain perfect posture for pump chest is to bench heavier weights when you have time. either use the free weight section with olympic bar & weights or chest machine(s).

another way is to look for small lighter weights. one pounder. add 2lbs onto your bar when you do chest in your pump class every week until the total weight reaches 7KGs or more. I have a lot of one pounders if you wanna pinjam, no problems


LynnX said...

YEs YES! I managed 6kgs each side on the member's side...i wonder if i teach i'd prob get stuck halfway n start cursing at the bar.

Thanks for the advice. will have to eat more chicken breast meat too. ha ha ha